
13: How to Know If & When You Should Take the Leap

“Leap and the net will appear” – John Burroughs Give a little love by rating or reviewing the podcast here or by sharing it with a friend to empower them  Sign up here to get a ✨ weekly dose of magic sent straight to your email (these are free & aaaaamazing).  IN THE EPISODE: RESOURCES MENTIONED IN…

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
13: How to Know If & When You Should Take the Leap

12: Ditch People-Pleasing & Step Into Your Authentic Power

IN THIS EPISODE: Sign up here to get a ✨ weekly dose of magic sent straight to your email (these are free & aaaaamazing).  Give a little love by rating or reviewing the podcast here or by sharing it with a friend to empower them  RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE: > Authentically Aligned Workshop – Get on…

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
12: Ditch People-Pleasing & Step Into Your Authentic Power

11: Finding Inner Freedom

Do you feel inner freedom? Would you like to feel more free?   
Trigger Warning- In this episode, I share my experiences with trauma and PTSD 
Give a little love by rating or reviewing the podcast here or by sharing it with a friend to empower them 
Show Notes: 
+ What can stand in the way of inner freedom 
+ One of my personal traumas that robbed me of inner freedom for years 
+ What internal freedom feels like in our life and body
+ A fundamental question to ask yourself to see if you’re open to inner freedom 
+ 3 Keys to finding inner freedom 
+ How to move anxiety out of your body 
+ How to USE your emotions to find inner freedom
+ Surrender and inner freedom
+ Your next step to feel more free 
Resources/Workshops Mentioned in the Episode: 
• Transform Workshop – Mentioned in the episode, contains over 25 tools for processing and transforming your mind and body to feel free – Get on the Presale Waitlist for Next Enrollment
Host Links:
• To learn about Online Workshops offered by host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – click here
• Have a question or topic for an episode? click here to share your ideas 

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
11: Finding Inner Freedom

10: Why We Hide Our Superpowers & Struggle to Let Ourselves Shine

In this episode, I get real, raw, and vulnerable with you about my own struggles with letting myself shine, and pose some poignant questions with you, so that you might let yourself shine more too. 
Show Notes: 
+The implications of “let yourself shine” 
+Ways we hold ourselves back from shining 
+How and when we dim our inner light  
+My own path with struggling and learning how to let myself shine from past career to present 
+My own superpowers that I hid for a long time 
+My fears of rejection 
+How the Universe cleared my path forward 
+How to let yourself shine 
Subscribe to The Weekly Drop here 
Sign up for the Let Yourself Shine waitlist here 
Share some love with a rating or review HERE 

Host Links:
• To learn about Online Workshops offered by host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE 
• Have a question or topic for an episode? CLICK HERE to share your ideas 

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
10: Why We Hide Our Superpowers & Struggle to Let Ourselves Shine

09: The Tipping Point of Transformation & 3 Steps to Feel Good More Often

Today’s message is all about feeling good. 
Show Notes:

+The message I needed to hear/talk about today and maybe the message you needed to hear too 
+Insights into the tipping point of transformation
+What happens when you hit the tipping point of transformation 
+The push vs pull of transformative journey’s
+The one major integral part of transformation that we often forget to engage in 
+When positivity can be a little toxic
+The 3 most critical steps that need to be taken in order to feel good 


Resources and Workshops Mentioned in the Episode: 
• Transform Workshop – Learn all the most powerful tools that Stephanie uses to process and transform – Get on the Presale Waitlist
Host Links 
• Learn more about the upcoming Connect With My Intuition event to learn some quick tips and hacks for connecting with your intuition and getting clarity HERE  
• Trigger-Free Workshop- Break free from any trigger or feelings of unhappiness – ENROLL HERE

• To learn about Online Workshops offered by host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE 
• Have a question or topic for an episode? CLICK HERE to share your ideas 
• WIN a 1:1 coaching session or a discounted workshop (your choice) by leaving a review on apple podcasts HERE 

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
09: The Tipping Point of Transformation & 3 Steps to Feel Good More Often

08: Attract What You Want Without Anxious Energy

Have you ever wanted something so bad that not getting it created a lot of tension and anxiety? How can we shift out of that needy, anxious, forcing and pushing energy into one of calm, flow and ease? 
Show Notes:
+What happens when we are in anxious energy when we want or need something, vs when we are in calm and ease 
+What to do when you’re not getting what you want/need
+How to shift from anxious energy into flow and ease when what you want and need isn’t coming/happening
+What’s really happening when you feel trapped in something
+What you actually need to be free
+A question you can ask yourself that can totally shift your reality 
+A strategic tool to use to shift you into flow and ease 
Resources and Workshops Mentioned in the Episode: 
• Trigger-Free Workshop- Break free from any trigger and shift into flow and ease – ENROLL HERE
Host Links:
• To learn more about 1:1 coaching and mentorship opportunities with host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE
• To learn about Online Workshops offered by host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE 
• Have a question or topic for an episode? CLICK HERE to share your ideas 
• WIN a 1:1 coaching session by leaving a review on itunes HERE 

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
08: Attract What You Want Without Anxious Energy

07: Overcome 3 Hidden Biases That Are Blocking Your Happiness – Mindset Shift

Are you happy? Deeply, truly, happy? What can we do if we aren’t?  
• Learn more about the upcoming Connect With My Intuition event to learn some quick tips and hacks for connecting with your intuition and getting clarity HERE 
• WIN a 1:1 coaching session by leaving a review on itunes HERE 
Show Notes: 
+ What are beliefs and biases (4:11)
+ 3 Biases that are interfering with your happiness (5:18)
+ Why these biases matter and how they’re controlling us (9:38)
+ The most important step to start being happy (11:41) 
+ The mistake a lot of people make when they try to increase happiness (12:05) 
+ 3 Tools to be happy (15:14) 
+ Is something “wrong” with you if you aren’t happy? Should you just learn to be happy with what you have? (21:19)
+ Your next critical step to changing your reality (23:20)
+ The advantage of acknowledging unhappiness instead of pretending you’re happy when you aren’t (25:40)
Resources and Workshops Mentioned in the Episode: 
• Trigger-Free Workshop- Break free from any trigger or feelings of unhappiness – ENROLL HERE
• Career Exploration and Manifestation Workshop – Get some therapy for your career in order to identify and create the career of your dreams – Get on the Presale Waitlist for Next Enrollment by clicking here
• Authentically Aligned Workshop – Get happy and become your best self by identifying what ISN’T aligned for you and what exactly is blocking your happiness -Get on the Presale Waitlist for Next Enrollment by clicking here
• Enroll in this free workshop that includes a daily gratitude practice and gratitude meditation – ENROLL HERE 
Host Links:
• To learn more about 1:1 coaching and mentorship opportunities with host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE
• To learn about Online Workshops offered by host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE 
• Have a question or topic for an episode? CLICK HERE to share your ideas 
• WIN a 1:1 coaching session by leaving a review on itunes HERE 

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
07: Overcome 3 Hidden Biases That Are Blocking Your Happiness - Mindset Shift

06: How to Empower Yourself through Love & Acceptance – Mindset Shift

There’s a lot of talk about loving yourself out there today, but why should we do this and what difference will it actually make in our daily lives? 
• Learn more about the Connect With My Intuition event HERE
• WIN a 1:1 coaching session by leaving a review on itunes HERE 
Show Notes: 
+The transformative power of loving and accepting yourself (1:40)
+Why we don’t naturally love and accept ourselves (4:27)
+How to start loving and accepting yourself fully (7:29)
+REFRAMES – 3 Mindset Shifts about how loving yourself will transform your life completely (14:32)
Host Links:
• To learn more about 1:1 coaching and mentorship opportunities with host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE
• To learn about Online Workshops offered by host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE 
• Have a question or topic for an episode? CLICK HERE to share your ideas 
• Enroll in this free workshop that includes morning meditations and evening journal prompts to develop self-love and self-acceptance – ENROLL HERE 
• Listen to Kamal Ravikant’s MindValley Talk LISTEN ON SPOTIFY • LISTEN ON ITUNES
• Get Kamal Ravikant’s book Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It HERE
• Join the Connect with My Intuition event to expand on loving and accepting yourself and connect with your heart and intuition – SIGN UP HERE

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
06: How to Empower Yourself through Love & Acceptance - Mindset Shift

05: How Perfectionism Is Influencing You & What To Do About It – Mindset Shift

Break free from your perfectionist mindset in less than 20 minutes with this Mindset Shift episode!  
• Learn more about the Connect With My Intuition event HERE
• WIN a 1:1 coaching session by leaving a review on itunes HERE 
Show Notes: 
+What is a perfectionist exactly (1:43)
+Where does perfectionism come from (3:06)
+Why most people hold on to their perfectionism (4:23)
+How perfectionism stops original ideas (5:18)
+REFRAMES – 5 mindset shifts about perfectionism including the biggest misconception about perfectionism (9:26)
+What to REPLACE your perfectionism with (12:27)
+How do you RELEASE perfectionism (13:18)
Host Links:
• To learn more about 1:1 coaching and mentorship opportunities with host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE
• To learn about Online Workshops offered by host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE 
• Have a question or topic for an episode? CLICK HERE to share your ideas 
• Get Adam Grant’s book Originals HERE 
• See Adam Grant’s TedTalk (that has 18+million views) HERE

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
05: How Perfectionism Is Influencing You & What To Do About It - Mindset Shift

04: Is It Your Intuition or Fear (ie your Overthinking Mind)?

Have you ever wondered what your intuition is and how to use it?
• Learn more about the Connect With My Intuition event HERE
Show Notes: 
+Connect To My Intuition Event (1:43)
+What is intuition (5:45)
+How do you know if your intuition is speaking to you (19:23)
+How can a connection with your intuition benefit you (26:46)
+What does it mean to have a connection with your intuition (32:11)
+Signs that your intuition might be trying to connect with you (38:05)
+How to listen to your intuition and trust it to guide you (42:48)
Host Links:
• To learn more about 1:1 coaching and mentorship opportunities with host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE
• To learn about Online Workshops offered by host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE 
• Have a question or topic for an episode? CLICK HERE to share your ideas 

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
04: Is It Your Intuition or Fear (ie your Overthinking Mind)?