07: Overcome 3 Hidden Biases That Are Blocking Your Happiness – Mindset Shift

The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
07: Overcome 3 Hidden Biases That Are Blocking Your Happiness - Mindset Shift
Are you happy? Deeply, truly, happy? What can we do if we aren’t?
• Learn more about the upcoming Connect With My Intuition event to learn some quick tips and hacks for connecting with your intuition and getting clarity HERE 
• Share some love by leaving a review for the podcast HERE 
Show Notes: 
+ What are beliefs and biases (4:11)
+ 3 Biases that are interfering with your happiness (5:18)
+ Why these biases matter and how they’re controlling us (9:38)
+ The most important step to start being happy (11:41)
+ The mistake a lot of people make when they try to increase happiness (12:05)
+ 3 Tools to be happy (15:14)
+ Is something “wrong” with you if you aren’t happy? Should you just learn to be happy with what you have? (21:19)
+ Your next critical step to changing your reality (23:20)
+ The advantage of acknowledging unhappiness instead of pretending you’re happy when you aren’t (25:40)
Resources and Workshops Mentioned in the Episode: 
• Trigger-Free Workshop- Break free from any trigger or feelings of unhappiness – Sign up to get on the presale waitlist
• Career Exploration and Manifestation Workshop – Get some therapy for your career in order to identify and create the career of your dreams – Get on the Presale Waitlist for Next Enrollment by clicking here
• Authentically Aligned Workshop – Get happy and become your best self by identifying what ISN’T aligned for you and what exactly is blocking your happiness –Get on the Presale Waitlist for Next Enrollment by clicking here
• Enroll in this free workshop that includes a daily gratitude practice and gratitude meditation – ENROLL HERE 
Host Links:
• To learn more about 1:1 coaching and mentorship opportunities with host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE
• To learn about Online Workshops offered by host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – CLICK HERE 
• Have a question or topic for an episode? CLICK HERE to share your ideas
• Give some love by leaving a review on apple podcasts HERE 

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