13: How to Know If & When You Should Take the Leap

The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
13: How to Know If & When You Should Take the Leap

“Leap and the net will appear” – John Burroughs

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  • What does it mean to take a leap 
  • How to trust what your heart/intuition is telling you to do
  • If you should wait for clarity before following through
  • A super personal example that I haven’t shared anywhere about a huge leap I took previously
  • How to keep moving through fear as you move forward


> Authentically Aligned Workshop – Click here to get on the waitlist when this workshop opens up for enrollment again!


  • @stephaniezellerspeaks on IG
  • CLICK HERE to ask a question, share a request for an episode or connect with the host 
  • To learn about Online Workshops or Coaching offered by host Dr. Stephanie Zeller – click here
  • Give a little love by rating or reviewing the podcast here or by sharing it with a friend to empower them
  • Sign up to receive ✨ YOUR WEEKLY DOSE OF MAGIC here {free!}

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