27: How to Find Your True North and Build Unshakable Confidence

The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
27: How to Find Your True North and Build Unshakable Confidence


  • Does white-knuckling and using your willpower work? 
  • Why we force ourselves to do things we don’t want to do 
  • Why we might not know what we really want or desire
  • What it means if you’re always asking everyone else what you should do 
  • How to identify if the path you’re on is your true north 
  • 2 Reasons people experience imposter syndrome
  • A common faulty trend I see people doing to try and love their career more 
  • Dismantling the belief that “we all have to do things that we don’t like doing” 
  • Is this as good as it gets?
  • Are your dissatisfactions indicating that you’re doing something wrong, or are they indicating something else to you?
  • The two types of confidence you can cultivate 
  • Where you end up when you trust your inner voice and start following your true north 

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a therapist, nor am I offering medical advice or suggesting any treatment in this or any other episode. The information I share is for informational purposes only. Please see further terms and disclaimer here.

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