29: Shifting From WTF Is Happening to an Erotic, Open, Magical Mystery

The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
29: Shifting From WTF Is Happening to an Erotic, Open, Magical Mystery

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein {Scientist & Mystic}

“I promise you, there is so much magic on the other side” -Stephanie


  • A Zen Buddhism practice that can help you in your life right now
  • How to know if you’re on the edge of an opportunity for more magic to come in
  • What happens if the tools that you’ve always used to steady yourself stop working 
  • What tools I used to rely on and what happened when they stopped working for me
  • How your “knowing” or current grip on reality could be blocking your journey  
  • What to do during that WTF time to get to the other side
  • How to surrender

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a therapist, nor am I offering medical advice or suggesting any treatment in this or any other episode. The information I share is for informational purposes only. Please see further terms and disclaimer here.

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