
29: Shifting From WTF Is Happening to an Erotic, Open, Magical Mystery

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein {Scientist & Mystic} “I promise you, there is so much magic on the other side” -Stephanie IN THE EPISODE: Support Stephanie & the show by sharing the episode or reviewing…

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
29: Shifting From WTF Is Happening to an Erotic, Open, Magical Mystery

27: How to Find Your True North and Build Unshakable Confidence

IN THE EPISODE: Support Stephanie & the show by sharing the episode or reviewing the podcast here on Apple or here on Spotify. RESOURCES AND LINKS: CONNECT WITH HOST, STEPHANIE ZELLER: DISCLAIMER: I am not a therapist, nor am I offering medical advice or suggesting any treatment in this or any other episode. The information…

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
27: How to Find Your True North and Build Unshakable Confidence

26: Manifest What You Want To & Become the Next Version of You

IN THE EPISODE: Support Stephanie & the show by sharing the episode or reviewing the podcast here on Apple or here on Spotify. RESOURCES: CONNECT WITH HOST, STEPHANIE ZELLER: DISCLAIMER: I am not a therapist, nor am I offering medical advice or suggesting any treatment in this or any other episode. The information I share…

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
26: Manifest What You Want To & Become the Next Version of You

25: 2 Tools to Make Change Easy

IN THE EPISODE: Support Stephanie & the show by sharing the episode or reviewing the podcast here on Apple or here on Spotify. RESOURCES: CONNECT WITH HOST, STEPHANIE ZELLER: DISCLAIMER: I am not a therapist, nor am I offering medical advice or suggesting any treatment in this or any other episode. The information I share…

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
25: 2 Tools to Make Change Easy

24: When You’re Stuck, At a Dead End, or Don’t Know What to Do

IN THE EPISODE: Support Stephanie & the show by sharing the episode or reviewing the podcast here on Apple or here on Spotify. RESOURCES: CONNECT WITH HOST, STEPHANIE ZELLER: DISCLAIMER: I am not a therapist, nor am I offering medical advice or suggesting any treatment in this or any other episode. The information I share…

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
24: When You're Stuck, At a Dead End, or Don't Know What to Do

15: 3 Ways to Handle Changing, Stale, or Fading Friendships as You’re Evolving

“If you look at the people in your circle and don’t get inspired, then you don’t have a circle. You have a cage.” – Nipsey Hussle Give a little love by rating or reviewing the podcast here or by sharing it with a friend to empower them  Sign up here to get a ✨ weekly dose of…

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
15: 3 Ways to Handle Changing, Stale, or Fading Friendships as You're Evolving

02: What is Transformation?

What is transformation and how this podcast can support you?
+What is it, exactly?
+Process of addition or subtraction?
+How you know if you’re ready to transform
+What the process of transformation requires of you
+How the process of transformation can quickly help you uncover your gifts and become more of your badass self authentically 
If you have questions that you’d like answers to reach out to me to ask them!

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
02: What is Transformation?

01: Who is Stephanie and What is this Podcast?

A little information about who I am, why I’m here, and what I’m doing. 
+How and when my curiosity with transformation began
+How my view of transformation may be different from other coaches or healers
+My dance with transformation throughout my lifetime

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The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
01: Who is Stephanie and What is this Podcast?